In my author I am editing a text component and adding the following html:
<li><span><a href="#" class="tt" data-toggle="popover" data-html="true" data-placement="top" data-content="Test text" role="button">test text</a></span></li>
However, When I switch to preview mode the html that render is:
<li><span><a class="tt" href="#">Test text</a></span></li>
It looks like AEM is stripping out some attributes. Any ideas why?
MORE INFO After more reading, I think I narrowed it down to adding the attributes to /libs/cq/xssprotection/config.xml. However, pages stop loading when I add this:
<tag name="div" action="validate">
<attribute name="align"/>
<attribute name="data-toggle">
<regexp name="data-toggle"/>
<attribute name="data-html">
<regexp name="data-html"/>
<attribute name="data-placement">
<regexp name="data-placement"/>
<attribute name="data-content">
<regexp name="data-content"/>
Do I have the incorrect syntax?