Im learning monads in Haskell with the haskell wikibook and my own newbie experiments
As my first step, i've copypasted the parts of the book related to monads to my own PDF using the great HaTeX library (by Daniel Díaz) while lightly reading such hard text (hard because of its content).
Below is my first attempt to practice what i learned: 7 versions of a function that takes a list and returns a random element from that list
Now my main question is, should i be using monad Transformers for the "remove the element" part? i've read they are used to mix monads, and i know i will be using the State monad and the List monad
Other than that, any comments on my code will be gratefully recieved (the style ones the most, as monads are about writing with style? :P)
import System.Random
import Control.Monad.Trans.State
import Control.Monad
------------------------ PRIMER INTENTO DE RANDOMNESS ------------------------
extractR' :: [a] -> a
extractR' xs = xs !! randomPos
n = length xs
randomPos = fst pareja
pareja = randomR (0,n-1) stdGen
stdGen = mkStdGen 0
-- extractR' siempre devuelve la misma cosa, al llamarla sobre la misma
-- lista (por tanto NO SIRVE, NO ES ALEATORIO)
-- EJ:
-- *Deck> extractR' [1..100]
-- 46
-- (0.00 secs, 0 bytes)
-- *Deck> extractR' [1..100]
-- 46
-- (0.02 secs, 0 bytes)
-- *Deck> extractR' [1..100]
-- 46
-- (0.00 secs, 0 bytes)
------------------------ SEGUNDO INTENTO DE RANDOMNESS ------------------------
stdGen = mkStdGen 0
extractR'' :: StdGen -> [a] -> (a, StdGen)
extractR'' gen xs = (xs !! randPos , newGen)
n = length xs
(randPos, newGen) = randomR (0,n-1) gen
-- esta version permite arrastrar el RNGenerator, pero es incomodisima de usar:
-- *Deck> extractR'' stdGen [1..100]
-- (46,40014 40692)
-- (0.00 secs, 0 bytes)
-- *Deck> let x = snd (extractR'' stdGen [1..100]) in extractR'' x [1..100]
-- (56,1601120196 1655838864)
-- (0.00 secs, 0 bytes)
------------------------ TERCER INTENTO DE RANDOMNESS -------------------------
extractR''' :: [a] -> State StdGen a
extractR''' xs = state sol
n = length xs
sol = \s -> ( xs !! (randPos s) , newGen s)
randPos st = fst $ randomR (0,n-1) st
newGen st = snd $ randomR (0,n-1) st
-- extractR''' xs =
-- state ( \s ->
-- ( xs !! (fst $ randomR (0, (length xs)-1) s )
-- ,
-- snd $ randomR (0, (length xs)-1) s ) )
-- pruebas en pantalla:
-- *Main> runState (extractR ['a'..'z']) (mkStdGen 0)
-- ('d',40014 40692)
-- (0.00 secs, 0 bytes)
-- *Main> runState (extractR ['a'..'z']) (mkStdGen 0)
-- ('d',40014 40692)
-- (0.00 secs, 0 bytes)
-- *Main> runState (extractR ['a'..'z']) (mkStdGen 7854)
-- ('n',314309970 40692)
-- (0.00 secs, 0 bytes)
-- works well, but the code is bad (non-monadic)
-- but we are in the State monad, so the following works:
extractR2 :: [a] -> State StdGen (a,a)
extractR2 xs = liftM2 (,) (extractR''' xs) (extractR''' xs)
------------------------ CUARTO INTENTO DE RANDOMNESS -------------------------
extractR'''' :: [a] -> State StdGen a
extractR'''' xs = pr1 >>= f
n = length xs
pr1 = state $ randomR (0,n-1)
f = \k -> state ( \s -> (xs !! k , s) )
-- monadic code, se actualiza 1 vez el StdGen
------------------------ QUINTO INTENTO DE RANDOMNESS -------------------------
extractR_ :: [a] -> State StdGen a
extractR_ xs = pr1 >>= f
n = length xs
pr1 = state $ randomR (0,n-1)
f = \k -> state ( \s -> (xs !! k , g s) )
g = \stdG -> snd $ next stdG
-- monadic code, se actualiza 2 veces el StdGen
------------------------ SEXTO INTENTO DE RANDOMNESS --------------------------
extractR_' :: [a] -> State StdGen a
extractR_' xs =
generator <- get -- get = state $ \st -> (st,st)
let n = length xs
let (k, newGen) = randomR (0,n-1) generator
put newGen
return (xs!!k)
-- traduccion del codigo:
extractR_'' xs =
get >>=
\generator -> let n=length xs in
( let (k, newGen)=randomR (0,n-1) generator in
(put newGen >> return (xs!!k) ) )
-- *Main> :t extractR_''
-- extractR_'' :: (RandomGen t, Monad m) => [b] -> StateT t m b
-- *Main> :t extractR_
-- extractR_ :: [a] -> State StdGen a
-- ======o o======
-- ___________
-- |___________| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- |\ /\ /\| ------------------------ VERSION FINAL ------------------------
-- |_\/__\/__| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- |___________|
-- ??????????????????? (dont know which to choose)
By the way im doing this to finish my Maths degree, and after that i'll be looking to earn my livings through Haskell :D (am i asking for a miracle?)