
I'm trying to access to my HDFS space by using the Hadoop fs commands. I've followed the instuctions from: http://forge.fiware.org/plugins/mediawiki/wiki/fiware/index.php/BigData_Analysis_-_Quick_Start_for_Programmers

But after successfully logged in, the hadoop commands on fs fails.

$ ssh tcappellari@cosmos.lab.fiware.org

[tcappellari@cosmosmaster-gi ~]$ hadoop fs -ls /user/tcappellari
ls: Cannot access /user/tcappellari: No such file or directory.

Many thanks!

Such a QSG link is a bit obsolete, the Cosmos portal is now running at cosmos.lab.fiware.org, which I guess you finally used. Can you confirm that point, please?frb
@frb. Yes, I'm using the Cosmos portal at cosmos.lab.fiware.orgtiziano

1 Answers


Your HDFS user space (/user/tcappellari) should be enabled now. This was an error when provisioning the account, possibly because the cluster was on safe mode.