
under my IBM Bluemix account, I have registered a Watson Visual Recognition service. My intention is to call the service from Bizagi BPMS as REST service. Bizagi brings an "unauthorized" error.

The URL for the REST Service is https://gateway.watsonplatform.net/visual-recognition-beta/api/v2/classify

The Service URL is https://gateway.watsonplatform.net/visual-recognition-beta/api/?username=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx&password=yyyyyyyyyyy (x and y are the credentials from the service instance in Bluemix. When entering the Service URL directly into the browser, I can enter the authentication credentials in a popup window, but the response is "Error 404: SRVE0190E: File not found: / "


1 Answers


The service uses Basic Authorization so you need to send the username and password Base64 encoded.

On the other hand, the Visual Recognition service requires you to send the image you want to recognize. If you use a browser you need to point to a GET call. Open a browser using this url: https://gateway.watsonplatform.net/visual-recognition-beta/api/v2/classifiers?version=2015-12-02

That should return the list of classifiers.

Example Output:

  "classifiers": [
      "classifier_id": "nightvsday_11138698",
      "name": "night vs day"
      "classifier_id": "tiger_458617357",
      "name": "tiger"
      "classifier_id": "Black",
      "name": "Black"
      "classifier_id": "Blue",
      "name": "Blue"

For more examples look at the Visual Recognition API Reference.