I'm running into some unusual errors in my git site.
NOTE: I am using Kramdown + highlight.js to highlight code.
Below is a lesson that I am working on. In this lesson, I need to render
(similar to XML) in code blocks. I am using kramdown.
I also want to render HTML in code blocks - for example I need a code block that explains how to add an include file:
{% include _toc.html %}
Case in point - the lesson below: http://neoninc.github.io/NEON-DataSkills-Lesson-Development/R/EML/
Oddly enough when JEKYLL builds the page, it is running the code blocks containing XML and HTML.
I have tried:
This renders the closing </code>
tag on the page which is weird. If i don't use the code tag, then jekyll attempts to PARSE the XML.
<pre><code class="xml">
This still attempts to parse and as HTML tags.
I have tried to switch to redcarpet. However, redcarpet breaks my breakout boxes which I code as follows: using {: .notice }
to apply a style to the div.
<i class="fa fa-star"></i> **Data Tip:** To figure out the full slot string,
in `RStudio` we can use Tab Complete as we type.
FINALLY -- My workflow is knitting from RMD to md so adding custom code to each code block (pre and code) is problematic when i build.
In short - I'm having a hard time finding a solution that
- Allows code blocks with HTML / XML
- Allows me to apply a class/ id to my breakout divs. {: .notice }
Thank you very much for any feedback / guidance with this issue. Leah
tags. – Waylancode
tags and indent thecreator
tags? – matt