
We are using sftp channel adapter to send files to sftp server. Is there any way to confirm whether file is delivered or not? What we are facing is sometime a dropped connection between our server and sftp server and we like to know and retry if file transfer was not successfull.


1 Answers


Actually everything in the FileTransferringMessageHandler is done sequentially. So, I'm sure you are facing one of the exceptions in your logs:

catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
    throw new MessageDeliveryException(message, "File [" + inputStreamHolder.getName()
                + "] not found in local working directory; it was moved or deleted unexpectedly.", e);
catch (IOException e) {
        throw new MessageDeliveryException(message, "Failed to transfer file ["
                + inputStreamHolder.getName() + " -> " + fileName
                + "] from local directory to remote directory.", e);
catch (Exception e) {
    throw new MessageDeliveryException(message, "Error handling message for file ["
                + inputStreamHolder.getName() + " -> " + fileName + "]", e);            

The <int-sftp:outbound-channel-adapter> supports <request-handler-advice-chain>, where one of them can be <retry-advice> (or MessageHandlerRetryAdvice bean reference) to meet your requirements.

Please, find more info in the Reference Manual.