
For awhile in my Team City build, I am unable to publish my source NuGet packages to symbolsource.org as it responds with 500 Internal Server Error.

[16:02:36][push] Pushing NCode.Composition.DisposableParts 1.0.1 to the symbol server (http://nuget.gw.symbolsource.org/Public/NuGet)...
[16:04:18][push] Failed to process request. 'Internal Server Error'. 
[16:04:18][push] The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error..
[16:04:18][push] Process exited with code 1

I am able to publish my normal packages to NuGet.org just fine. I believe that I have properly configured everything as documented by symbol source.

Here is my Build Step configuration for NuGet Publish:

  • Runner Type: NuGet Publish
  • NuGet.exe: Default 2.8.6
  • Packages: *.nupkg
  • API Key: (my personal API key from NuGet.org)
  • Package Source: (blank)

In my build output directory and artifacts recognized by TeamCity, I do have both of my packages in there:

  • NCode.Composition.DisposableParts.1.0.1.nupkg
  • NCode.Composition.DisposableParts.1.0.1.symbols.nupkg

Any assistance would be appreciated!


1 Answers


I think that the problem is with two packages with the same name. Did you try a workaround with another build configuration and snapshot dependency?
I'm using another build configuration with snapshot dependency to build which produces *.nupkg and *.symbol.nupkg. Artifact dependency is set to:

-:*.nupkg => <replace with location>

The build configuration only publishes *.symbol.nupkg to symbolsource.org.