
The bar and line charts in Power BI allow you to graph total sales by month. Example Jan Sales $100 Feb Sales $200 Mar Sales $150

I am looking for a way to graph those same numbers but show a cumulative sales total to show total revenue for the year. Essentially, I would like the total for the current bar added to the sum of all bars to the left of it. Example from above would look like this: Jan Sales $100 Feb Sales $100+$200= $300 Mar Sales $300+$150= $450

This would allow you to see total sales volume over the year. Any ideas on how to make this happen?

You will need to create a new column (Cumulative Sales) and then use it in your chart.Vasim

1 Answers


The easiest and clearest visual to achieve this would be the "Waterfall chart", which would look like this:

Power BI Waterfall chart example