I have a little school project where I create an exam of 30 questions, I display these questions out of a database table that includes 70 questions (which I created in advance). I use an array of random unique integers between 1 and the MaxID (in the questions table) to take these questions using their ID(autonumber, also primary key) and display them. My teacher told me to create a page where the admin can add a question which I did.
The problem starts when I add a question(ID==71) and then remove the question and add another one(ID==72) if The last ID is 72(for example) and before that is 70, then if the number 71 is included in the array of the random unique integers that is gonna make a problem cause there's no row that includes 71 in the Access Table.
My question is: Can I make ID's in an autonumber column always be +1 than the last ID in the table?
I know it's a bit long but I'm really bothered by this, if something is unclear, please tell me so I can make it clear.