
I have the following scenario:

  • Everything runs on a wordpress multisite
  • I used to have a blog on domain A
  • The blog posts from domain A got transferred to a new blog on domain B. The images on this new blog were still pointing to domain A and were working fine, until...
  • I created a new website on domain A with a different ID

Now the images on domain B point to domain A, to the upload folder of the old ID and they don't work anymore. I just copied the files from the old blog over to my new blog's ID's upload folder.

Now I guess I need to edit my htaccess file, which is the reason for this question. What's the code I need to use and where do I put it (I guess it goes in the main WP htaccess file)?

I need to redirect all image links from




I guess an alternative would be to do it in SQL and rewrite the permalinks, but that's quite high risk and I would prefer the htaccess solution...


1 Answers


If you want to use .htaccess than just put the redirects following the example

Redirect 301 /old-page.html http://new-domain.ru/new-page.html

and yes, use the main .htaccess in the root WP directory