I'm using cssmin with the following "Content" folder structure:
| |--style1.css
| |--images
| |--image1.png
Where styles.min.css and styles.min.css.map are the result of concatenating/minifying all stylesheets in the"src" folder.
I first had issues where styles.min.css contained URLs for images in the wrong places (i.e. "images/image1.png" instead of "../src/dir1/images/image1.png") but thankfully this grunt configuration fixed that:
cssmin: {
options: {
rebase: true,
sourceMap: true
all: {
options: {
keepSpecialComments: 0
files: {
'content/dist/styles.min.css': ["content/src/dir1/style1.css", "content/src/dir2/style2.css"]
The new problem: The generated sourcemap ("styles.min.css.map") contains sources like this: ["content/src/dir1/style1.css", "content/src/dir2/style2.css"] instead of ["../src/dir1/style1.css", "../src/dir2/style2.css"]. This means the map is pointing to the incorrect locations, such as:
"content/dist/content/src/dir1/style1.css" and "content/dist/content/src/dir2/style2.css"
What can I do to resolve this?
For reference, I have also tried the csswring, however despite sourcemaps working fine, I found general image/import url rebasing wasn't working properly, so went back to cssmin.
Thanks very much!