It appears from Announcing general availability of App Service Mobile Apps that Offline Data Sync is possible with a backend that uses MongoDB for data storage in Azure.
I have tried to implement this in various ways with both the old and the new mobile services/app variants.
Lets ignore my epic fail-story with the old (Mobile Service?) way and focus on the new way, with a App Service backend that is implemented in C#.
I set it up with SQL Server since MongoDB is not in the dropdown list. After setting it up in the Azure control panel i download the quick start TodoItems application and it works.
I use the todoitems-client to test the backend.
I enable Offline sync in the client and it works.
Then i try to change the type of the DataObject TodoItem int the backend to DocumentData from EntityData in order to replace SQL-server with MongoDB.
This is where i find out that the Microsoft.Azure.Mobile.Server.Backend.Mongo package is not available like it was when i tried the old version of offline sync.
What i would like to know is:
o Has anyone got this setup to work? o If so, how?
Thanks, Mattias