I am currently running SQLite in my development environment and PostgreSQL in the production environment on Heroku.
My current search functionality has the following method in the model entry.rb:
def self.search(search)
where("content LIKE ? OR created_at LIKE ?", "%#{search}%", "%#{search}%")
While this might work in my development environment running SQLite – Heroku running PostgreSQL is throwing up an error.
I am aware of the fact that it is bad practice to run different databases in different environments, however, for now I'll stick to it for ease of administration.
Having said that, I am wondering what the correct query would look like for PostgreSQL?
Also, could I add an if clause in my model that feeds one query or the other based on the environment I am in? Like:
if Rails.env.development?
# SQLite query
# PostgreSQL query
Thanks guys!