I'm trying to draw on a canvas that is in the top level of my Tcl/Tk script, but from inside a call by fileevent like this:
canvas .myCanvas {}
proc plot_Data { myC inp } { $myC create rectangle {} }
fileevent $inp readable [list plot_Data .myCanvas $inp ]
pack .myCanvas
I have found out that the script called by fileevent (plot_Data) lives in a different space.
The script for a file event is executed at global level (outside the context of any Tcl procedure) in the interpreter in which the fileevent command was invoked.
I cannot make the two meet. I have definitely narrowed it down to this: plot_Data just can't access .myCanvas . Question: How can the fileevent script plot on the canvas?
The goal of this is live plotting, by the way. $inp is a pipe to a C-program that reads data from a measurement device. It is imho rightly configured with fconfigure $inp -blocking 0 -buffering none.
proc plot_Data{ myC inp } ...
-- is that your real code or a typo? You need a space between the proc name and the argument list. – glenn jackmanfileevent
are evaluated as-is, not with any additional arguments added. Soplot_Data .myCanvas
will give an error about missing arguments. – evil otto