
I always used to be able to safely delete a TFS Build agents workspace to combat issues of locked files and all sorts of things. Now in TFS 2015 Update 1 I have deleted and they will not automatically re-create, it insists on using the same one. It actually seems like it cannot create a workspace but is able to be assigned one. I say this because I have created a new build definition to build a new branch and I receive the same error:

2016-01-04T10:47:06.0521586Z Syncing repository: IsdDev (TFVC)
2016-01-04T10:47:06.0521586Z workspaceName=ws_7_14
2016-01-04T10:47:06.8832305Z ##[error]TF14061: The workspace ws_7_14;Project Collection Build Service does not exist.
2016-01-04T10:47:06.9342371Z ##[error]Prepare repository failed with exception.

How can I tell TFS to create a new workspace? I don't want to manually re-create them as there are many. I deleted using TFS Sidekicks (for 2013)


Is the XAML or Task based build?DaveShaw
Try editing the build definition and going to the Repository tab and setting Clean to true.DaveShaw
Or maybe try restarted the build agent / Host Process.DaveShaw
I have done the opposite as it it was already set to true and I changed to false (and back to true) with no luck. Also restarted and sent updates to all build agents :(Rodders
Maybe a restart of the controller (or TFS itself)?Rodders

5 Answers


For us, deleting everything in the TFS cache folder solved the problem:

C:\Users\<>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Team Foundation


You need to create a new Workspace with the following parameters :

  • Owner : Project Collection Build Service (TEAM FOUNDATION)
  • Permissions : Public workspace
  • Name : same name as the deleted workspace

So I managed to get this working. It's a bit overkill but I deleted all my build agents and all workspaces associated with them. Then I re-installed and re-configured using the PowerShell scripts. The Agents now have a new Id and subsequently creates new workspaces. Along with this, I had to delete the working directories so that the new workspaces didn't attempt to use the same ones.

I actually reconfigured my agents when I updated from TFS 2015 Update 1 RC 1 to full Update 1. I think that during this transition I have muddled things up a bit.


TFS created a new workspace for me when I chose to copy the existing build definition. I simply deleted the original and then renamed the copied version back to the original name.


As DaveShaw mentioned. Go to Repository tab and set clean to true, this will fix the issue.