I have created Chain shapes (static bodies) all around the perimeter of the game screen whose dimensions are:
Each chain shape has a density of 5f
I've also created a Circle Shape (dynamic body) whose
density = 0.5f
friction = 0.25f
restitution =0.2f.
In addition, I've created a polygon shape set as a box shape (dynamic body) which has the same density, restitution and friction as the circle shape.
The world's gravity is (0,-5.8f)
All shapes render appropriately. However, the box shape just keeps falling right through the bottom chain shape which is located at the bottom of the screen. The circle shape doesn't go through, but the box shape does go through. I don't want this to happen. The size of the box shape is
(1.96f*camera.viewportWidth, 1.96f*camera.viewportHeight).
The position of this body(box shape) is set to
(0.02f*camera.viewportWidth, 0.02f*camera.viewportHeight).
I don't know why the box shape just keeps falling through and is not stopped by the bottom chain shape, just like the circle shape is stopped. Can anyone provide any insight?
Also, the reason I am trying to set up my box2d world like this is to eliminate some camera lagging movement when I use camera.translate to move around the world. My idea is to move the box shape by applying linear velocities to its body. Please any thoughts would be appreciated.