I am trying to write a little shiny app that takes code entered into a textInput field, and when I press a button, displays it underneath the textInput. I don't want it to automatically update as I'm typing.
It works once, but after I hit the actionButton, the text in the verbatimTextOutput starts updating as I type. How can I stop this so that the verbatinTextOutput only updates when I hit the applyButton? Should I even be using verbatinTextOutput? Thanks.
shinyServer(function(input, output) {
# You can access the value of the widget with input$text, e.g.
observeEvent(input$doBtn, {
#... # do some work
output$value <- renderPrint({input$text})
#... # do some more work
# Copy the line below to make a text input box
textInput("text", label = h3("Text input"), value = "Enter text..."),
actionButton("doBtn", "Do something"),
fluidRow(column(3, verbatimTextOutput("value")))