
I was able to deploy my app successfully in dev. I am using Spring JMS template to communicate with Tibco Client and in weblogic i have setup a foreign server with destination queue as Tibco queue and connection factory with Tibco connection factory. My JNDI Initial Context Factory: is tcp://name:port...I was able to publish the message and listen to it. No issues.

ISSUE: When deploying to QA (the war from dev is taken and placed into QA) and during the deployment process we get this

Caused by: javax.naming.NoInitialContextException: Cannot instantiate class: com.tibco.tibjms.naming.TibjmsInitialContextFactory [Root exception is javax.naming.NoInitialContextException: Cannot instantiate class: com.tibco.tibjms.naming.TibjmsInitialContextFactory [Root exception is java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.tibco.tibjms.naming.TibjmsInitialContextFactory]]
    at weblogic.utils.StackTraceDisabled.unknownMethod()
Caused by: javax.naming.NoInitialContextException: Cannot instantiate class: com.tibco.tibjms.naming.TibjmsInitialContextFactory [Root exception is java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.tibco.tibjms.naming.TibjmsInitialContextFactory]
    ... 1 more
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.tibco.tibjms.naming.TibjmsInitialContextFactory
    ... 1 more

Any suggestions on what might be going wrong?

EDIT: People have suggested that this is a clear class path error. But in dev i did not include anything in class path on start server in weblogic.

Add tibjms.jar to your CLASSPATH.Rao

2 Answers


Instead of adding a foreign server to weblogic, I went with JMS template and set the below properties.

    public JndiTemplate jndiTemplate() throws JMSException {
        JndiTemplate jndiTemplate = new JndiTemplate();
        Properties jndiProps = new Properties();
        Properties props = System.getProperties();
        String env = props.getProperty("cwt.env");
        jndiProps.setProperty("java.naming.factory.initial", environment.getProperty("ems.contextFactory"));
        jndiProps.setProperty("java.naming.security.principal", environment.getProperty("java.naming.security.principal"));
        jndiProps.setProperty("java.naming.security.credentials", environment.getProperty("java.naming.security.credentials"));
        jndiProps.setProperty("java.naming.provider.url", environment.getProperty("tibco.ems.namingUrl"));

        return jndiTemplate;

in .properties file place this


Also, add tibjms dependency in pom.


You need TibjmsInitialContextFactory Jar in order to make the above code work.

Below are the Maven Dependencies in case you are using Maven project:
