
I have written some JSP in a text file and then change the extension to Hello.jsp. I have placed this file to

C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 8.0\webapps\ROOT

when I am trying to run the Hello.jsp file using URL http://localhost:8080/Hello.jsp then the following errors comes.

This page can't be displayed

• Make sure the web address http://localhost:8080 is correct.

• Look for the page with your search engine.

• Refresh the page in a few minutes.

Are you able to browse to Tomcat's home page? Use localhost:8080rickz
This error comes from your browser and means that either your server is not running, or it is taking so long that it is timing out.halfer

1 Answers


You must run your server first. It is better to use some IDE like Eclipse. It will be easier for you.