My problem is
- Run application on appcelerator studio.
- Open /build/iphone folder with x code
- Run in my device.
it shows error.
Could not find the file app.js
If I choose iphone simulator at step 3.It works fine.
This error happens only in real device.
My environments are
- SDK 5.1.1GA / 5.0.2GA tried both.
- alloy - v 1.7.30
What I have done is...
- ProjectA -> Make new project try same procedure. -> it works.
- ProjectB -> Make new project and copy some js sources from old project.(it means tiapp.xml and GUID is renewed). -> it shows error.
First, I compared two projects
Both are created however, projectB's app.js is 0byte.
Second, I compared the both /build/iphone/ folder
There is Asset folder in Xcode project, it has app_js file in projectA not in projectB.
These two results must be a hint though, I have no clue yet.
Does anyone help me?
Thanks to @Brenton.
I tried
ti clean && ti build -p ios --log-level trace
then put the log file here.
I found sentences like though, can't find likely error.
[INFO] [app.js] Titanium entry point processing...
[TRACE] - Processing "builtins" module...
[TRACE] - Processing "optimizer" module...
[TRACE] - Processing "compress" module...
[INFO] created: "Resources/iphone/app.js"
[DEBUG] map: "build/map/Resources/iphone/"