
My problem is

  1. Run application on appcelerator studio.
  2. Open /build/iphone folder with x code
  3. Run in my device.

it shows error.

Could not find the file app.js

If I choose iphone simulator at step 3.It works fine.

This error happens only in real device.

My environments are

  • SDK 5.1.1GA / 5.0.2GA tried both.
  • alloy - v 1.7.30

What I have done is...

  • ProjectA -> Make new project try same procedure. -> it works.
  • ProjectB -> Make new project and copy some js sources from old project.(it means tiapp.xml and GUID is renewed). -> it shows error.

First, I compared two projects


Both are created however, projectB's app.js is 0byte.

Second, I compared the both /build/iphone/ folder

There is Asset folder in Xcode project, it has app_js file in projectA not in projectB.

These two results must be a hint though, I have no clue yet.

Does anyone help me?

Thanks to @Brenton.

I tried

ti clean && ti build -p ios --log-level trace

then put the log file here.

I found sentences like though, can't find likely error.

[INFO]  [app.js] Titanium entry point processing...
[TRACE] - Processing "builtins" module...
[TRACE] - Processing "optimizer" module...
[TRACE] - Processing "compress" module...
[INFO]    created:    "Resources/iphone/app.js"
[DEBUG]   map:        "build/map/Resources/iphone/app.js.map"

2 Answers


It is currently not possible to build from Xcode: https://jira.appcelerator.org/browse/TIMOB-19818

There's a workaround in the above ticket.

In most cases you should not need to build from Xcode and just deploy to devices straight from the (AppC) Ti CLI.


More than likely, it is a result of a syntax error in the code from projectB. Can you try building projectB from the terminal using:

ti clean && ti build -p ios --log-level trace

You should be able to see if there are any javascript syntax errors in the output log.

If this doesn't work, reply here and I can probably help you try a couple of other things.