
I successfully followed this guide to learn to use iron-meteor https://medium.com/meteor-js/how-to-build-web-apps-ultra-fast-with-meteor-iron-scaffolding-and-automatic-form-generation-11734eda8e67#.gw50bxjif

So then I went to command line and did a iron add react.

I created a simple react component app/client/templates/App.jsx with the contents

App = React.createClass({
  render() {
    return (
      <div className="container">
        Hello World

Then when in app/lib/controllers/issues_list_controller.js I replaced the action function with this code.

  action: function () {
//    this.render();

    var router = this;

    Meteor.startup(function () {
    ReactDOM.render(<App router={router} />, document.getElementById("render-target"));

Now when I run the command iron from command line to start the project, I get the error

W20151230-00:48:14.955(-5)? (STDERR) ReactDOM.render(<App router={router} />, document.getElementById("render

W20151230-00:48:14.957(-5)? (STDERR) ^

W20151230-00:48:14.980(-5)? (STDERR) SyntaxError: Unexpected token <

It's as if meteor-iron doesn't recognize react and jsx mark up? How do I get this to work?

as far as i know, iron router does not go well with react stackoverflow.com/questions/32792092/… I am on the way to move to FlowRouter as wellThai Tran
Thanks @ThaiTran, but I did a simple meteorjs + iron router + react app and that worked out fine. Something about iron-meteor doesn't seem to recognize react mark up though...John

1 Answers


Then when in app/lib/controllers/issues_list_controller.js I replaced the action function with this code.

issues_list_controller.js is a regular javascript file. Rename it with the jsx extension if you want to use JSX in your code - i.e. <App router={router} /> etc.