I'm diving into GraphQL and Relay. So far, everything has been relatively smooth and easy, for me, to comprehend. I've got a GraphQL schema going with Accounts
and Teams
. There is no relationships between the two, yet. I've got some Relay-specific GraphQL adjustments for connections, for both the accounts and teams. Here's an example query for those two connections ...
viewer {
teams {
edges {
node {
accounts {
edges {
node {
I've got a GraphQL mutation ready to go that creates a new account. Here's the GraphQL representation of that ...
type Mutation {
newAccount(input: NewAccountInput!): NewAccountPayload
input NewAccountInput {
username: String!
password: String!
clientMutationId: String!
type NewAccountPayload {
account: Account
clientMutationId: String!
type Account implements Node {
id: ID!
username: String!
date_created: String!
I'm now trying to create my client-side Relay mutation that uses this GraphQL mutation. I'm thoroughly confused as to how to do this correctly, though. I've followed examples and nothing I come up with even seems to run correctly. I tend to get errors relating to fragment composition.
If I were writing a Relay mutation that uses this GraphQL mutation, what would the appropriate mutator configuration be? Should I be using RANGE_ADD