I have a website developed in MVC 5, I'm using route attributes for routing. I've set the default controller and the default action for each controller using the following code
public class CompanyController : MainController
[Route("~/", Name = "default")]
public ActionResult Index(string filter = null)
//My code here
public ActionResult Edit(int id)
//My code here
I've another controller with a default action :
public class AnalystController : MainController
public ActionResult Index(string filter = null)
//My code here
public ActionResult Edit(int id)
//My code here
The default controller worked perfectly, but when I navigate to the analyst controller without specifying the name of the action I get the following error:
Multiple controller types were found that match the URL. This can happen if attribute routes on multiple controllers match the requested URL.
The request has found the following matching controller types:
How can I correct navigate to http://localhost:61534/analyst and reach the default action ( index) ? The action also should remain accessible by http://localhost:61534/analyst/Index Thanks for your help.