
WSO2 Identity server 5.1.0 was just released and I want to configure it as the Key Manager of WSO2 Api Manager 1.9.1.

I am following this guide but I'm stuck on the features installation. I am using the following P2 Repository.


The problem is that the required features are not listed. Is the API Manager 1.9.1 not compatible with WSO2 Identity Server 5.1.0? Or is there any other P2 repository with the needed features?


1 Answers


The problem is that the required features are not listed. Is the API Manager 1.9.1 not compatible with WSO2 Identity Server 5.1.0?

No, Both are not compatible. API Manager 1.9.1 is based on carbon kernel 4.2.0 and IS 5.1.0 is based on kernel 4.4.3. So you can't install API Manager 1.9.1 Key Manager feature into IS 5.1.0.

We will be releasing API Manager 1.10.0 by January 1 week, after that you should be able to install API Manager 1.10.0 Key Manager feature on IS 5.1.0