I am having a confusion regarding SIP Offer-Answer model. The scenario is like this.
I configured two accounts on my client side (Say A and B) with asterisk server and making a call from A to B.
Account Details of A
Client Side(Application) : A having video codec H264, Audio codecs G722,G711
Server Side(Asterisk) : No video Codec, Audio codecs G722,G711
Account Details of B
Client Side(Application) : No video Codec,Audio codecs G722,G711
Server Side(Asterisk) : No video Codec,Audio codecs G722,G711
In the first INVITE(offer) i am sending the SDP with "m=" parameter for both audio and video (video port as 52162) and asterisk is sending me the answer with "m=" parameter for both audio and video (video port as 0) on 183 session progress and 200 OK, (because asterisk is not having any video codec).
From application side i am sending next INVITE to put the call on hold. For that i am sending a=sendonly and "m=" parameter only for audio.
My doubt is "Can I avoid from application side "m=" parameter for video for the second INVITE(in my case it is hold)", if i am getting answer with video port as 0 for the first offer.