
faced with an issue during qt creator using (re-build action):

Running steps for project algolist... Could not start process "" clean Error while building/deploying project algolist (kit: MSVC2015)

Environment settings:

  1. QtCreator 3.5.1
  2. Windows 10 (and SDK forWin10)
  3. visual c++ compiler with libraries version 19
  4. I do not use any qt libraries in a project, and havew an installed qt kit just for qmake support (qmake is a build tool for my project)
  5. all compiler's settings are manual via INCLUDE/LIB/PATH. and this configuration works on my other machine, can't find a differences and the message above doesn't look informative, could you someone explain me please what this mean ? thanks

1 Answers


as fas as I use manual compiler configuration , I had to specify nmake path there as well. so this fix in compiler config fixed my problem sorry for my inattention