I have refereed below article to draw a custom frame area with DWM. Custom Window Frame Using DWM After removing the standard frame, non client area is not exist in the frame.
void CMainFrame::OnNcCalcSize(BOOL bCalcValidRects, NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS* lpncsp)
int nTHight = 30; /*The title bar height*/
RECT * rc;
RECT aRect;
RECT bRect;
RECT bcRect;
if(bCalcValidRects == TRUE)
bcRect.left = bRect.left;
bcRect.top = bRect.top - nTHight;
bcRect.right = bRect.right;
bcRect.bottom = bRect.bottom;
rc = (RECT *)lpncsp;
rc->left = rc->left;
rc->top = rc->top - nTHight;
rc->right = rc->right;
rc->bottom = rc->bottom;
CFrameWnd::OnNcCalcSize(bCalcValidRects, lpncsp);
Because the entire window is client region, I have to adjust the UI control placement for the frame, but I don't know how to handle this problem. For example, below red rectangle (all UI component) should be shifted into the original coordinate of the client area before removing the non client part.
to get what the original client rect would have been. – andlabs