
I have a Silverlight User Control. This contains a DataForm. This DataForm nests another Silverlight User Control, which also contains a DataForm.

I have bound the nested dataform successfully to an object in the parent control.

I can NOT however, get the nested control to enter Edit mode along with the parent. I have tried calling it directly by using the FindNameInContent method to return the nested dataform and then called BeginEdit() but this fails (returns false).


Have you solved the problem? Trtying to do the same thing, with nested DataForms but cannot get the templates right. Can you post your samples?user677676

1 Answers


I had a simpler scenario but a similar problem. In my scenario I had a DataGrid directly nested inside a DataForm, and was unable to synchronize the edit modes of the two controls until I realised that I needed to implement an EditTemplate for the DataForm, as well as the ReadOnlyTemplate, and implement the DataGrid in both. I set IsReadOnly=true for the DataGrid in the ReadOnlyTemplate and IsReadOnly=false for the DataGrid in the EditTemplate, and it all works smoothly, with no code.
