I'm trying to get LDAP on Rocket.Chat working with jumpcloud.com
When I use ldapsearch
ldapsearch -H ldaps://ldap.jumpcloud.com:636 -v -x -b "ou=Users,o=organizationid,dc=jumpcloud,dc=com" -D "uid=bind-user,ou=Users,o=organizationid,dc=jumpcloud,dc=com" -w "bind-password" "(&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(memberOf=cn=ROCKET_ACCESS,ou=Users,o=organizationid,dc=jumpcloud,dc=com)(uid=username-to-search))"
I get a result back with the user I was searching for, email and all. It looks like everything is working like it should from jumpcloud.com
The trouble I'm having is getting Rocket.Chat to work with jumpcloud.com
All suggestions I have tried do not work for jumpcloud: http://pastebin.com/sVHqFsxr
Bind Search: used every configuration I can find (see below)
Distinguished Name (DN): dc=jumpcloud,dc=com
Enable LDAP: True
LDAP Port: 389
Sync Data: True
User Data Field Map: {"cn":"uid", "mail":"email"}
LDAP URL: ldap://ldap.jumpcloud.com
I tried these all:
- {"filter": "(&(objectclass=inetOrgPerson)(memberOf=CN=ROCKET_ACCESS,DC=jumpcloud,DC=com)(sAMAccountName=#{username}))", "userDN": "bind-username", "password": "bind-password"}
- {"filter": "(&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(memberOf=cn=ROCKET_ACCESS,dc=jumpcloud,dc=com)(uid=#{username}))", "uid": "bind-username", "password": "bind-password"}
- {"filter": "(&(uid=#{username}))","userDN": "uid=bind-username,ou=Users,o=organizationid,dc=jumpcloud,dc=com", "password": "bind-password"}
I was curious to know if anyone out there had to configure Rocket.Chat with jump cloud. I'm using the latest version that has ldap support.
Any sort of debugging methods would help too. They are using meteor and all I'm getting back from the results is
LDAP: Search on Error { [NoSuchObjectError: No Such Object]
dn: [Getter],
code: [Getter],
name: [Getter],
message: [Getter] }
which isn't very helpful when I get that for every combination.