
I have a COM library that I have to reference in my app and I am trying to mock its interfaces.

I am getting exceptions when I am doing this MockRepository.GenerateMock<IAmAComInterface>();

I don't get exceptions when I do this: MockRepository.GenerateDynamicMockWithRemoting<IAmAComInterface>(); but none of my expectations are verifying.

Am I doing something wrong?

For now, I have a bunch of wrappers for all of my COM interfaces and I am mocking them, but I would really like to not have to wrap everything.

Exceptions with GenerateMock:

With the message of:
The type is marked as eligible for type equivalence, but either it has generic parameters, or it is not a structure, COM imported interface, enumeration, or delegate.

When using GenerateDynamicMockWithRemoting test failure always says Expected: 1 Actual: 0 for any expectations on the COM interface.

Using Rhino.Mocks 3.6.

@Wim Coenen Edited to include exceptions and more details.Adam
Are these COM interfaces created in .NET and designed for export to COM? Or are they COM objects with generated .NET type libraries (via tlbimp)?PatrickSteele
@Patrick Steele They are COM objects with generated .NET type libraries via tlbimp (VS 2010 if that version makes any difference)Adam

2 Answers


Looks like this is an issue with .NET 4.0's "Type Equivalence". See this for more details: http://code.google.com/p/moq/issues/detail?id=254

The fix (as noted above) is easy by adding:

Castle.DynamicProxy.Generators.AttributesToAvoidReplicating.Add(typeof (TypeIdentifierAttribute));

To your unit test.


I solved the same problem by this solution (from question How to test a COM dependent object in C#): https://stackoverflow.com/a/4333388/185498

Try to set "Embed Interop Types" to FALSE for assembly that contains COM interface.