I am recording realtime trade data with the Datastax Cassandra java driver. I have configured Cassandra with a single node, replication factor of 1, and consistency level ALL.
I frequently have writes which do not record, but do not fail. The java client does not throw any errors, and the async execute successful callback is called. Trace doesn't seem to show anything unusual:
[CassandraClient] - Adding to trades memtable on /[SharedPool-Worker-1] at Mon Dec 22 22:54:04 UTC 2015
[CassandraClient] - Appending to commitlog on /[SharedPool-Worker-1] at Mon Dec 22 22:54:04 UTC 2015
[CassandraClient] - Coordinator used /
but, when I look at the data in the cassandra shell, notice the skipped IDs (ignoring bad dates):
cqlsh:keyspace> select * from trades where [...] order by date desc limit 10;
date | id | price | volume
1970-01-17 19:00:19+0000 | 729286 | 435.96 | 3.4410000
1970-01-17 19:00:19+0000 | 729284 | 436.00 | 17.4000000
1970-01-17 19:00:19+0000 | 729283 | 436.00 | 0.1300000
1970-01-17 19:00:19+0000 | 729277 | 436.45 | 5.6972000
1970-01-17 19:00:19+0000 | 729276 | 436.44 | 1.0000000
1970-01-17 19:00:19+0000 | 729275 | 436.44 | 0.9728478
1970-01-17 19:00:19+0000 | 729274 | 436.43 | 0.0700070
1970-01-17 19:00:19+0000 | 729273 | 436.45 | 0.0369260
1970-01-17 19:00:19+0000 | 729272 | 436.43 | 1.0000000
1970-01-17 19:00:19+0000 | 729271 | 436.43 | 1.0000000
why do some inserts silently fail? indications point to a timestamp issue, but I don't detect a pattern.
similar question: Cassandra - Write doesn't fail, but values aren't inserted
might be related to: Cassandra update fails silently with several nodes