I'm using sbatch to submit my job.
Command line mpirun --version
Intel(R) MPI library for Linux* OS, Version 5.0 Build 20140507
Copyright (C) 2003-2014, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
So I think I'm working with Intel mpi.
Following the instructions: submitting an MPI job using Intel MPI, I write my script like this:
#SBATCH --ntask=4
#SBATCH -t 00:10:00
. ~/.bash_profile
module load intel
mpirun mycc
mycc is the executable I get after compiling source files with mpicc.
Then I use command sbatch -p partitionname -J myjob script.sh
, my job failed with exitcode 127:0. The slurm-jobid.out file says that(leave aside the set locale warning):
/usr/share/Modules/init/sh: line 2: /usr/bin/modulecmd: No such file or directory /tmp/slurmd/job252624/slurm_scirpt: line 10: mpirun: command not found
But I have checked and /usr/bin/modulecmd file does exist.
Any suggestion is aprreciated.
I also asked the question here.
I have removed the source statement and module load one.
I tried to load the module on the log in node before submitting my job. But there is something wrong. It says that:
moduleCmd_Lad.c(204): Error: 105: Unable to locate a modulefile for 'intel'
I use module avail
command to see what modules are available:
dot module-info mpich2-x86_64 use.won
module-cvs modules null
compat-openmpi-psm-x86_64 compat-openmpi-x86_64
Forgive me for the messy formatting.
The problem is finally solved. My final script.sh is like this:
srun -p partitionname -n 4 -t 00:10:00 mycc
Then use command sbatch -p partitionname -J myjob script.sh
to submit the job.
command is not installed there, you will get this error message... – Gilles