I run a small 3-node kubernetes cluster on Google Container Engine (GKE) with metrics logging to Google Cloud Monitoring (GCM). Recently I noticed that metrics stopped being reported to GCM. The heapster log showed that requests were rejected due to GCM quota being exceeded.
Checking the API manager on Google Developers Console, I saw usage in excess of the 50000 req/day quota.
Now, each time I start the heapster pod, it hammers the GCM sink with 2-5 req/s in average.
I tried increasing heapster sink_frequency parameter, but that only results in more request, less frequently, which adds up to the same amount over time.
The master and nodes are all on latest Kubernetes version 1.1.3.
Anyone seen this on GKE? What can I do to restore sane levels of requests to GCL? At the moment I only get a few hours worth of metrics per day before the quota is exhausted.