
I have created my own TYPO3 Extension. This extension will show a list of files. In the backend i can create new categories. In these categories I can add new files. This works. But when I will link the download button to new controller action, it appears always an error.

I created a new Controller (Classes -> Controller -> DownloadController.php). The file contains the following:

namespace Mbdownloads\MbDownloads\Controller;
class DownloadController extends \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Mvc\Controller\ActionController {

 * action list
 * @return void
public function downloadAction() {
    //$files = $this->fileRepository->findAll();
     $this->view->assign("sample_var", "sample value");
    //$this->view->assign('files', $files);

In the ext_localconf.php I added the following lines:

    'Category' => 'list,show,test',
    'File' => 'show',
    'Download' => 'download',

Then I added the following file: Resources/Private/Templates/Download/Download.html

Finally in the show action template I add the fluid downloadlink to the controller:

<f:link.action action="download" controller="Download"><i class="fa fa-download"></i> File Download</f:link.action>



But now i get only: Oops, an error occurred! :(

The only action which works is the show action?! Classes/Controller/CategoryController/showAction

If I add an action in this controller, exampleAction and I will call those action, the same error: Oops, an error occurred!

Thanks for help! I use TYPO3 6.2.16 ...

Set Development preset in Install tool and you will get more details about error. One of problems can be cache. Try to clear all cache from Install tool.smitrovic
Ok i have cleared all caches, dont work, then i have activated the debug options, it says: The controller "Download" is not allowed by this plugin. My ext_localconf.php looks like: \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Utility\ExtensionUtility::configurePlugin( 'Mbdownloads.' . $_EXTKEY, 'Mbfilelist', array( 'Category' => 'list,show', 'File' => 'show', 'Download' => 'download', ), // non-cacheable actions array( 'Category' => 'list,show', 'File' => '', )Johannes Regner
Try to clear typo3temp folder. It should help :)smitrovic
I have deleted all files in typo3temp folder, cleared all cache in install tool, cleared system cache, frontend cache ... the same :/Johannes Regner
Strange, if you add 'Download' => '' to non-cacheable actions? Also, do you use "switchablecontroleractions"? This can be cause of problems like this. Try also to create two separate plugins if this is the case.smitrovic

1 Answers


Did you add your action in flexform?

        <label>Select Options</label>
                <numIndex index="0">
                    <numIndex index="0">...Select Item...</numIndex>
                <numIndex index="1">
                    <numIndex index="0">Download</numIndex>
                    <numIndex index="1">ControllerName->action;Download->download</numIndex>

After you add controller name and action, also you have to update your FE plugin element.