
I've lost the ability to run or debug tests from Resharper 10 (VS2015, VS2013) test runner.

Resharper - Unit Test Runner failed to run tests (System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingException) Found two objects associated with the same URI.

Clean/Rebuild/Restart do not help.

enter image description here

I have same issue but the accepted answer not helping me out :(Arun Chandran C

2 Answers


Typically I have found that to be a misleading message about an exception that occurred with configuration. If, for example, you have an app.config or dll specific config file associated with the test project and the config file has an error in it or is unable to be parsed.


I had the exact same issue. (issue in the app.config of my unit tests project)

the issue in my app.config was that the configSections wasn't the first node in the file. I've solved it by moving the appSettings node below the configSections node.