I tried to compile some inline assembler for 64-bit iOS application.
Here's an example:
int roundff(float _value) {
int res;
float temp;
asm("vcvtr.s32.f32 %[temp], %[value] \n vmov %[res], %[temp]" : [res] "=r" (res), [temp] "=w" (temp) : [value] "w" (_value));
return res;
and I have this errors:
Unrecognized instruction mnemonic.
But this code compiles fine:
__asm__ volatile(
"add %[result], %[b], %[a];"
: [result] "=r" (result)
: [a] "r" (a), [b] "r" (b), [c] "r" (c)
Than I founded that in aarch64 I have to use fcvt instead of vcvt. Because
int a = (int)(10.123);
compiles into
fcvtzs w8, s8
but I don't know how to write it in inline assembler. Something like this
int roundff(float _value)
int res;
asm("fcvtzs %[res], %[value]" : [res] "=r" (res) : [value] "w" (_value));
return res;
also doesn't work and generates this errors:
Instruction 'fcvtz' can not set flags, but 's' suffix specified.
Invalid operand for instruction.
Also I need round instead of trim. (fcvtns)
Any help? Where I can read something more about arm(32/64) asm?
UPDATE Ok. This: float res = nearbyintf(v) compiles into nice instruction frinti s0 s0. But why my inline assembler does not work on iOS using clang compiler?