
This morning we learned that this project https://github.com/mrward/monodevelop-dnx-addin/tree/roslyn would allow developers to load and restore project.json's through Ubuntu Linux monodevelop and the Roslyn csc compiler and allow their compilation, call stack argument inspection and executable execution in the coreclr and corefx runtime environment.

The following steps from https://github.com/mrward/monodevelop-dnx-addin/tree/roslyn have errors in them

Building from source From the src directory run NuGet restore.

git clone [email protected]:mono/monodevelop.git
cd monodevelop
git checkout roslyn
git submodule update --init --recursive
rm -rf main/build/tests/
cd ..

git clone https://github.com/mhutch/MonoDevelop.AddinMaker
cd MonoDevelop.AddinMaker
nuget restore MonoDevelop.AddinMaker.sln
make install /p:MDBinDir=../monodevelop/main/build/bin /p:MDProfileVersion=6.0

* The above line results in No rule to make target `install'.Stop. *

git clone [email protected]:mrward/monodevelop-dnx-addin.git
cd monodevelop-dnx-addins
git checkout roslyn
cd src
nuget restore MonoDevelop.Dnx.sln
xbuild MonoDevelop.Dnx.sln /p:MDProfileVersion=6.0 /p:MDBinDir=../../../monodevelop/main/build/bin

The above line results in the C# compiler error : /opt/mono-2015.12.10+23.35.44/lib/mono/4.5/Microsoft.CSharp.targets (CoreCompile target) ->

MonoDevelop.Dnx/DnxProjectService.cs(139,20): error CS0117: `MonoDevelop.Ide.DispatchService' does not contain a definition for `GuiDispatch'

The last xbuild step can be replaced by opening the MonoDevelop.Dnx.sln into Xamarin Studio 6.0 and building the solution.

When the above line is executed on Monodevelop 6.0, it results in an Unhandled Exception:

System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.CodeAnalysis, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' or one of its dependencies. File name: 'Microsoft.CodeAnalysis, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35'***

Please help us correct these errors.

I was able to download the Monodevelop 5.7 1.2.1 AddInMaker for Linux just now called MonoDevelop.AddinMaker-1.2.1.mpack . May I ask if this shortens the build process? Please use this link, addins.monodevelop.com/Project/Index/87.Frank
May I ask if downloading MonoDevelop.AddinMaker-1.2.1.mpack saves the step of creating the addin .mpack file by running: mdtool.exe setup pack bin/merged/MonoDevelop.Dnx.dll?Frank
When I install the MonoDevelop.AddinMaker-1.2.1.mpack as a file using the Monodevelopment add-in manager, I get the error message: The selected add-ins cannot be installed because there are dependency conflicts. The package ::Monodevelop .Ide v5.7 could not be found in any repository., The package ::Monodevelop .Cor v5.7 could not be found in any repository., and the Install button is greyed out. How do we handle that error message?Frank
I built and installed the MonoDevelop.AddinMaker-1.2.1.mpack for Monodevelop 6.0 just now. However when I follow these instructions: git clone [email protected]:mrward/monodevelop-dnx-addin.git cd monodevelop-dnx-addins git checkout roslyn cd src nuget restore MonoDevelop.Dnx.sln xbuild MonoDevelop.Dnx.sln /p:MDProfileVersion=6.0 /p:MDBinDir=../../../monodevelop/main/build/bin I get the following C# compiler error: MonoDevelop.Dnx/DnxProjectService.cs(139,20): error CS0117: MonoDevelop.Ide.DispatchService' does not contain a definition forGuiDispatch' How do we fix this C# compiler error?Frank
The DispatchService error is because the latest code on MonoDevelop's master branch has changed and the DNX addin has not been updated. Not sure about the other error - that is not a compilation error. Can you compile any C# project in MonoDevelop 6.0?Matt Ward

1 Answers


Matt Ward fixed the C# compiler error having to do with MonoDevelop.Ide.DispatchService.GuiDispatch() in the following steps a few hours ago.

git clone [email protected]:mrward/monodevelop-dnx-addin.git
cd monodevelop-dnx-addins
git checkout roslyn
cd src
nuget restore MonoDevelop.Dnx.sln
xbuild MonoDevelop.Dnx.sln /p:MDProfileVersion=6.0 /p:MDBinDir=../../../monodevelop/main/build/bin

The solution to the second broken step was found in this URL, https://github.com/mhutch/MonoDevelop.AddinMaker#installation where I ran the following step: ./Install.sh /p:MDBinDir=../monodevelop/main/build/bin /p:MDProfileVersion=6.0.