So I read this article about Angular 2 change detection, but after reading it I have got more confused, so I started reading some of the comments which led to more confusion.
Immutable Objects
If a component depends only on its input properties, and they are immutable, then this component can change if and only if one of its input properties changes. Therefore, we can skip the component’s subtree in the change detection tree until such an event occurs. When it happens, we can check the subtree once, and then disable it until the next change (gray boxes indicate disabled change detectors).
So if {{todo.text}} or todo.checked change we mark our todo:Todo that a changed has occurred
But then from my understanding, we can create a cascade of immutable objects.
If we are aggressive about using immutable objects, a big chunk of the change detection tree will be disabled most of the time.
class ImmutableTodoCmp {
So in this case, any changes on {{todo.text}} or todo.checked won't be noticed right? only when a Todo is pushed we will see a change?
Observable Objects
If a component depends only on its input properties, and they are observable, then this component can change if and only if one of its input properties emits an event. Therefore, we can skip the component’s subtree in the change detection tree until such an event occurs. When it happens, we can check the subtree once, and then disable it until the next change.
Although it may sound similar to the Immutable Objects case, it is quite different. If you have a tree of components with immutable bindings, a change has to go through all the components starting from the root. This is not the case when dealing with observables.
I don't get it how Observables are quite different from Immutables and in this specific case of the Todo app, which approach is better?