
I found a code from stack over flow to execute the register command in ejabberd xmpp chat server using php. (Create ejabberd user from PHP)

But when i execute the file i got error:

"sudo: unknown user: ejabberd" "sudo: unable to initialize policy plugin"

I am runing this code on my ubuntu(14.04 LTS 64-bit) machine The php code i am using as follows:

    $username = 'tester';
    $password = 'testerspassword';
    $node = 'myserver.com';
    exec('sudo -u ejabberd /usr/sbin/ejabberdctl register '.$username.' '.$node.' '.$password.' 2>&1',$output,$status);
    if($output == 0)
        // Success!
        // Failure, $output has the details
        echo '<pre>';
        foreach($output as $o)
            echo $o."\n";
        echo '</pre>';
sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified, This error givingHarshit Sethi

1 Answers

    $username = 'tester';
    $password = 'testerpassword';
    $node = 'localhost';

    echo exec('sudo -u ejabberd /usr/sbin/ejabberdctl register '.$username.' '.$node.' '.$password.' 2>&1',$output,$status);
    if($output == 0)
        // Success!
        echo "success";
        // Failure, $output has the details
        echo '<pre>';
        foreach($output as $o)
            echo $o."\n";
        echo '</pre>';

I am using localhost in the $node, in the $node you can use your ip address as per the ip address you have configure in your configure.cfg.

I have the following error while running the above code

no tty present and no askpass program specified ; TTY=unknown ;

so the below link is the solution for the code below

sudo in php exec()

after executing the above link process

User tester@localhost successfully registered