I'm wondering how I can achieve the following in Spark (Pyspark)
Initial Dataframe:
|4 |9.0|
|3 |7.0|
|2 |3.0|
|1 |5.0|
Resulting Dataframe:
|4 |9.0| 7.0 |
|3 |7.0| 3.0 |
|2 |3.0| 5.0 |
I manage to generally "append" new columns to a dataframe by using something like:
df.withColumn("new_Col", df.num * 10)
However I have no idea on how I can achieve this "shift of rows" for the new column, so that the new column has the value of a field from the previous row (as shown in the example). I also couldn't find anything in the API documentation on how to access a certain row in a DF by index.
Any help would be appreciated.