
I tried to import an unmanaged solution file. The import always failed and didn't give any error messages.

I sorted the Status column in the importing solution window, and found that all entities/forms/views/charts were fine. However, all items with type = process/process activation (customized) didn't have any value in "Date Time" and "Status" columns.

<Data ss:Type="String" ss:Res="Customization.Sol_Status">Status</Data></Cell><Cell ss:StyleID="s137"><Data ss:Type="String">Failure</Data></Cell></Row><Row ss:AutoFitHeight="0" parent="Solution"><Cell ss:StyleID="s176"><Data ss:Type="String" ss:Res="Customization.Sol_Message">Message</Data></Cell><Cell ss:StyleID="s137"><Data ss:Type="String">The import failed. For more information, see the related error messages.</Data></Cell></Row><Row ss:AutoFitHeight="0" parent="Solution"><Cell ss:StyleID="s176"><Data ss:Type="String" ss:Res="Customization.Sol_Progress">Progress [%]</Data></Cell><Cell ss:StyleID="s137"><Data ss:Type="String">73.01</Data></Cell></Row><Row ss:AutoFitHeight="0" parent="Solution"><Cell ss:StyleID="s176"><Data ss:Type="String" ss:Res="Customization.Sol_Duration">Duration [s]</Data></Cell><Cell ss:StyleID="s137"><Data ss:Type="String">95.2</Data></Cell></Row></Table>

Any idea how to fix this?

Thanks in advance!


How do you know the import failed if there wasn't an error message?James Wood
During the solution import process, the green progress bar eventually rolled back, and the import solution window showed "the import of solution: xxx failed". No red-check mark in Status column, no error/message in Description & Detail columns.Hussain Ahmad
@JamesWood I have also added a screenshot for your better understanding.Hussain Ahmad
Have you downloaded the Excel error file?James Wood
yes i have downloaded the XML error log file.Hussain Ahmad

2 Answers


Welcome to the wonderful world of debugging CRM solution imports...

I find that your best bet is to enable tracing on your CRM server. This can be done easily by using the Diagnostics Tool for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011/2013/2015: Just press Enable Trace and run your solution import. It will take significantly longer to do an import while tracing, so you might want to wait with enabling tracing until your import has reached the approximate point where the progress bar starts moving backwards.

To view the logs in an easy way I suggest using Trace Reader for Microsoft Dynamics CRM. If you filter to view only error messages you should be much closer to figuring out why your solution import fails (since you will be able to see exactly which SQL statement is failing).


If any workflows in the solution already exist in the target organisation make sure you've assigned ownership of those workflows to the user doing the import.