I've created a mvc web application that uses openid to authenticate with Azure Ad and get the claims along with the token. I'm interfacing with Web Api to do the business transactions. The web Api is configured to oauth bearer tokens.
I've created separate oauth clients in Azure Ad for the Web App and Web Api. I'm able to get a token for Web Api from the Mvc Controller using AuthenticationContext to send to request to Web Api. I need to know how I can send the current User Claims as well to the Web Api. The claims in the Web Api are not having the claims of the User from the Web App.
Let me provide a bit more context here. I've created a MVC Web Application and a Web Api layer. The MVC Web App is configured to use OpenID authentication using Azure AD and I've configured the Web Api layer to authorize using OAuth Bearer tokens. The actions in the Web Api layer will be called through ajax requests and the bearer token will be added to the header of each Ajax requests. When the User is authenticated in the Web App, additional claims are added to the User on top of the claims from Azure Ad. I'm able to create a token for the Web Api layer using AuthenticationContext.AcquireToken, but the token for Web Api does not have the User info from the Web App.