
I have installed LAMP on my Ubuntu machine.

Where Apache2 and PHP5 have been installed properly as when I run apache2 -v and php5 -v I am getting their installed versions.

But I am not sure how do I check If My-SQL is properly installed or not.

Because when I run mysql -u root -p command, I am getting the below error.

ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)

Please help!


7 Answers


you could try starting your mysql first

> ln -s /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock /tmp/mysql.sock
> service mysql start or service mysql start

try to force redefining the root password:

sudo  service mysql stop

sudo /usr/bin/mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables &

mysql -h localhost

(now we are using mysql without carring to user privileges)

> USE mysql

> UPDATE mysql.user
SET authentication_string=PASSWORD('new_password')
WHERE user='root' AND host='localhost';

> quit

sudo mysqladmin shutdown

sudo service mysql start

that's all ... now try to use mysql with the new password, like that:

mysql -uroot -p
Enter password: enter the new_password

it should work :)


For resolving this issue, you need to run following commands sequentially

 sudo service mysql stop 
 sudo /etc/init.d/apparmor reload
 sudo service mysql start

After that you can run the following command to go to mysql console

mysql -u root -p

Had the same issue and done so much of troubleshooting

finally i resolved the isssue by

Creating a error.log file


create a log file under /etc/var/log/error.log

start mysql using the command

systemctl start mysql.service

After this mysql started sucessfully


You need to first start mysqld service on your machine. Use below command to start mysqld service

service mysqld start

Not sure if that would be helpful but I run into the same issue on my VPS. As it turned out I have run out of space by doing an hourly backup.

try this:

df -h

If you have 100% of disk usage then the server cannot write anything to the disk, no logs, no temp files, nothing.

I have removed some old backups. First find them (run inside backup folder)

find . -type f -name "backup-2016-01*"

This command will find any file whit name starting with backup-2016-01...

Then delete those files:

find . -type f -name "backup-2016-01*" -delete

Or move them to a different location. Then fun the df -h again to see if you have more space. It helped me.


In my case, the cause of this error was my server ran out of memory. Check if that's the case by running

sudo journalctl -xe

# See if there's message below
Out of memory: Kill process 20967 (mysqld) score 155 o

If that's the case then it's time to Upgrade your server!