
I have a list of groups that separates data by zipcode and months. I am having trouble plotting the data in a line graph.

data <- read.csv("./data/rental_12_11_2015_365.csv")
data$Listing.Contract.Date <- as.Date(data$Listing.Contract.Date, format = "%Y-%m-%d")
data$Month_Int <- as.numeric(strftime(data$Listing.Contract.Date,"%m"))
data$Month_Char <- month.abb[data$Month_Int]
groups_zipcode <- with(data, split(data, list(Zip.Code, Month_Char)))
summaryofgroups <- lapply(groups_zipcode, function(group){nrow(group)})

ggplot(data = groups_zipcode, aes(x=Month_Char, y=summaryofgroups, group=Zip.Code, col=Zip.Code)) + geom_line()

The output is what I have below but for all the months etc. I did not paste everything. The ggplot is producing "Error: ggplot2 doesn't know how to deal with data of class list".

[1] 11

[1] 39

[1] 71

[1] 103

[1] 43

[1] 15

[1] 13

[1] 18

[1] 39

[1] 80

[1] 93

[1] 49

[1] 16

[1] 19


Hi I was able to find the solution. This was what I was trying to do. Good luck to anyone else in a similar situation.

 inventory_graph <- ggplot(data = data, aes(x=Month_Char, fill = as.factor(Zip.Code))) + geom_histogram(position = "dodge")
FYI, you can write that last line as summaryofgroups <- lapply(groups_zipcode, nrow)Axeman

1 Answers


Your data is in the right format, you can do this very simply using ggplot:

#Some fake data in the same format as you pasted
fake_data <- data.frame("Zip" = factor(rep(c(12345, 98765, 56473), 4)),
                    "Month" = factor(rep(c("April", "May", "June", "July"), each=3), levels=c("April", "May", "June", "July")),
                    "Count" = sample(20:50, 12))

ggplot(data = fake_data, aes(x=Month, y=Count, group=Zip, col=Zip)) + geom_line()
