A person can own several cars but a car is owned by exactly one person. In clips
(defclass PERSON
(is-a USER)
(role concrete)
(pattern-match reactive)
(multislot cars) ; each list element should be a reference to an instance of type CAR
(defclass CAR
(is-a USER)
(role concrete)
(pattern-match reactive)
(slot owner) ; should be a reference to an instance of type PERSON
I am using pyclips. Now I would like to link an existing instance of CAR to an existing PERSON instance. My try:
clips_person_instance = clips.FindInstance(name_of_existing_person)
clips_car_instance = clips.FindInstance(name_of_existing_car)
list_of_cars = clips_person_instance.Slots["cars"]
clips_person_instance.Slots["cars"] = list_of_cars
This gives me
TypeError: list element of type
<class 'clips._clips_wrap.Instance'>
cannot be converted
As far as I can see it is a problem make pyclips add a list of instances to a slot. If it is just a single instance (no list), this works fine:
clips_car_instance.Slots["owner"] = clips_person_instance
My question: How do I "link" to class instances in (py)clips? In OO-words: How to I create an association between two objects? How do I create a "1 to many" relation in (py)clips?