So I'm getting a blank page and Varnish stops responding after saving turpentine config.
Turpentine Varnish Server List is correct ( I've no other cache extension, all caches are disabled but Varnish Pages and Varnish ESI Blocks.
I can access the website through port 8080 (Apache) and 80 (Varnish) before saving the turpentine config, after clicking save I can only access it on port 8080. If I restart Varnish everything start working again, then if I refresh the Turpentine config page magento displays that the Turpentine config was saved successfully, but there is no difference on speed and Varnish Hits stays at 0.
- CentOS 7
- Varnish 4.0.3
- Magento
- Turpentine Release 0.6.7
On /etc/varnish/varnish.params:
DAEMON_OPTS="-p cli_buffer=16384 -p vcc_allow_inline_c=on"
On /etc/varnish/default.vcl:
backend default {
.host = "";
.port = "8080";
default.vcl downloaded from magento: