I found this approach to migrate users from ec2 or other instance to RDS is probably the easiest to move the user accounts. Then use pt-show-grants to obtain the grants from users. Update the where clause as appropriate to exclude anything you don't want to migrate such as the root user which likely already exists in your AWS instance.
SELECT CONCAT('CREATE USER ', '`',u.User,'`', '@','`', u.Host,'`', ' IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD ','''', u.Password,'''',';' ) FROM mysql.user u WHERE u.is_role = 'N' and u.plugin <> 'unix_socket' and user <> 'root';
Using mysqldump as follows will extract all your table SQL and your data in delimited format to allow parallel database importing The format used in this allows for each database to be dumped to its own folder with a SQL file and a txt file for each table. This is being run from a slave on an EC2 instance as per recommendations from Amazon https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/MySQL.Procedural.Importing.NonRDSRepl.html. We differed in our approach to getting the slave to AWS by using Percona Xtrabackup to migrate a new copy to set up the slave
mysqldump --tab=/data/mysql/dump/rds/trash --fields-terminated-by '|-|' --fields-enclosed-by '"' --lines-terminated-by 0x0d0a trash --master-data=2 --single-transaction --order-by-primary --routines=0 --triggers=0 --events=0