I am working on a Regx parser for RegEx inside XSD. My previous problem was descrived here: ANTLR4 parsing RegEx
I have split the Lexer and Parser since than. Now I have a problem parsing parantheses inside brackets. They should be treated as characters inside the brackets and as grouping tokens outside. This is my lexer grammar:
lexer grammar RegExLexer;
Char : ALPHA ;
Int : DIGIT ;
LBrack : '[' ;//-> pushMode(modeRange) ;
RBrack : ']' ;//-> popMode ;
LBrace : '(' ;
RBrace : ')' ;
Semi : ';' ;
Comma : ',' ;
Asterisk: '*' ;
Plus : '+' ;
Dot : '.' ;
Dash : '-' ;
Question: '?' ;
LCBrace : '{' ;
RCBrace : '}' ;
Pipe : '|' ;
Esc : '\\' ;
WS : [ \t\r\n]+ -> skip ;
fragment DIGIT : [0-9] ;
fragment ALPHA : [a-zA-Z] ;
And here is the example:
I feel like i should use modes on brackets to change the behaviour of ALPHA fragment. If I copy the fragment, I get an error saying I can't have the declaration twice. I have read the reference about this and I still don't get what i should do.
How do I implement the modes?
CharSet : '[''^'?']'?'-'?([^]\\-]'-'[^]\\-]|[^]\\-]|ESCAPE_SEQUENCE)*'-'?']'
– programmerjake[^-a-zA-Z_]
– programmerjake