i'm new to prolog programing, and my first task is to make a quadratic equation solution finder. I have found and rewritten a input/output version of it, however i do not understand the usage of paranthesis. Do they work just as in C/C++? It seems to me as if they should be used every time i introduce a new variable being input by the user. Otherwise i keep getting specific error:
"ERROR: is/2: Arguments are not sufficiently instantiated"
I looked up for a clear explanation of that problem, but haven't found a sufficient answer to my problem.
q :- write('A = '),
( A = 0, write('Not a quadratic equation');
write('B = '),
write('C = '),
D is B*B-4*A*C,
( D = 0, write('x = '), X is -B/2/A, write(X);
D > 0, write('x1 = '), X1 is (-B+sqrt(D))/2/A, write(X1), nl, write('x2 = '), X2 is (-B-sqrt(D))/2/A, write(X2);
D < 0, write('Delta < 0!')
). q.
I do not know why it works only if I keep up paranthesis after reading A, and after making the equation for D value. Does it have something to do with their scope? What is instantiation in prolog then? Just to clarify, here's exactly what i have cut out:
q :- write('A = '),
A = 0, write('Not a quadratic equation');
write('B = '),
write('C = '),
D is B*B-4*A*C,
D = 0, write('x = '), X is -B/2/A, write(X);
D > 0, write('x1 = '), X1 is (-B+sqrt(D))/2/A, write(X1), nl, write('x2 = '), X2 is (-B-sqrt(D))/2/A, write(X2);
D < 0, write('Delta <0!'), nl, q.
A = 1.
B = |: 2.
C = |: 1.
ERROR: is/2: Arguments are not sufficiently instantiated