This is my XML given:
<WorkItemType>Product Backlog Item</WorkItemType>
<WorkItemType>Product Backlog Item</WorkItemType>
<Children />
<WorkItemType>Product Backlog Item</WorkItemType>
<Children />
<Children />
<Children />
<Children />
<Children />
<Children />
I would like to retrieve all nodes of a node with subnodes two a certain types. If this type is of one kind I would like to get all descendant as well.
I tried to receive it with this xpath command (I use System.Xml.XmlDocument in C#):
xmlDoc.SelectNodes("Children/WorkItem[WorkItemType[text()='Product Backlog Item']]|Children/WorkItem[WorkItemType[text()='Task']]/following::WorkItem[WorkItemType[text()='Task']]");
// splitted for better readability
text()='Product Backlog Item']
This provides me only the nodes with ID 719 and 720. But I expect the WorkItem nodes with Id's: 719 and 720 (first part of the xpath expression) as well as 723 and 744 (from the second xpath expression).
- My goal is to have WorkItem-elements of WorkItemType 'Product Backlog Item' which has Children WorkItem-Elements of WorkItemType 'Product Backlog Item' as well as 'Task'.
- In case of a WorkItem-element of type 'Task' I want to have all child WorkItem-elements below.
How can I express this in XPath?
In the given XML I expect the WorkItem-elements with ID's 719,720,723,744
) based on the condition you defined in it, but it will not filter some elements out in the selected elements - you should do it manually. Why do you want to select the Workitem 744, but not the WorkItem 746? Your filter options are not clear for me. – Sergii ZhevzhykChildren/WorkItem[WorkItemType[text()='Product Backlog Item']]|Children/WorkItem[WorkItemType[text()='Task']]|Children/WorkItem[WorkItemType[text()='Task']]/Children/WorkItem
– Keith HallChildren/WorkItem[WorkItemType[text()='Product Backlog Item']]|Children/WorkItem[WorkItemType[text()='Task']]/descendant-or-self::WorkItem[WorkItemType[text()='Task']]
– Bruno Bieri